
What People Are Saying

"WOW!  All I could say was that they gave me a whole lot more than I asked for or expected!


"I met Dave years ago as my insurance guy and when we were looking at our coverage one day I asked if he knew anything about computers and how to placed ads online for more business.


"He just gives so much more than I thought I was getting. He takes that over deliver thing real serious and I'm completely amazed. In a really wow way."



Ken Dix, Professional Painter

I love it because if a picture is worth 1,000 words, this is worth 10,000!


This is a great organization. Something I need to be involved with. And I clicked the button!




  • Paul Gregory on how ZoneWD's Coach was able to help communicate more effectively for people to truly know the impact they have when so many people are giving to Spokes4Hope.com --- (Fantastic Organization!)
Paul Gregory, Trucking Manager / Volunteer

Facts. I got a pick. I got the pick and a couple pass break-ups. Two of them plus the pick.


Coach has a great understanding of the eye and how it synchronizes with the brain so you see so much more clearly in your peripheral vision...



Ezekiel Edmonds, IV, Safety, Clark Atlanta University

Getting rid of the doubting and limiting self-beliefs while calmly being in control has my self-confidence ready to do anything or everything because I adjust my mind-set!


Positive Attitude, High Confidence and Strong Communication skills are the TOP 3 incredibly remarkable results I immediately recognize now! And "The Champion State," the BASPE Method and Reframing are quick and fun tools too!




I find myself more powerfully in control and calmer, easily recalling things instantly... Thinking "I Can Do This!" because I have such self-pride and feeling Great about myself to go on and Rock It!


Tenley, Gymnast